Grow Ashland Economic Development can assist you in finding the right fit or eligibility for local or state economic development incentives, financing options, and statewide tax credit programming to aid in your businesses growth here in Ashland County.
Erie Basin RC&D Revolving Loan Fund

Natural resource-based business/ recycling loans, downtown revitalization loans in communities of less than 25,000 population, and renewable energy loans to help farms and rural businesses to be more energy efficient through renewable energy sources: geothermal, solar, and wind.
Ohio Community Reinvestment Area

The Community Reinvestment Area program provides local real property tax incentives for residents and businesses that invest in designated areas of Ohio. The designated areas are created and administered by the municipality or county in which it is located, and the area must be formally confirmed by the director of the Development Services Agency. Real property investors meeting the local criteria thresholds must apply to the municipality or county for the real property tax exemption.
This program is administered locally by a Community Reinvestment Area housing officer. For more information, please call 419-289-3200.
Ohio Enterprise Zone Program

The Ohio Enterprise Zone Program provides real property tax incentives for businesses that expand or locate in Ohio (and may provide personal property tax incentives for those qualifying businesses that continue to pay personal property tax). Municipalities or counties must apply to the director of the Development Services Agency to have a zone certified in their jurisdiction. To secure tax incentives for qualified new real and/or personal property investment, a non-retail business must apply to the local community prior to making the investment.
This program is administered at the local level by an Enterprise Zone Manager. For more information, please call 419-289-3200.

Designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio the JobsOhio regional partner for Northeast Ohio, Team NEO supports the attraction, retention, and expansion work of our 18 county partners by connecting them, and their client companies, with both state and JobsOhio support as well as resources across the Northeast Ohio Region.
With a deep knowledge of regional and state resources, Team NEO can quickly assemble the right teams to facilitate these efforts – from identifying funding options and tax incentives to working through regulatory issues and tapping into the region’s talent pool.
Jobs Ohio

To accomplish our mission of driving job creation and new capital investment in Ohio, JobsOhio has developed a suite of programs and services designed to attract business, retain jobs, and help make the choice to expand here an easy one.
JobsOhio and its network partners offer several grants, funds, and services for companies investing in Ohio by starting businesses, relocating, or expanding operations in the state. We work with businesses and local communities to design personalized incentive packages for success.
Ohio Department of Development

The Department of Development works to support Ohio’s businesses, large and small, as they maneuver in the global economy. Whether a company is established in the state and looking to expand, a technology company ready to move from the lab to commercialization, or an entrepreneur establishing a new small retail business, we have resources to assist these businesses as they grow. Our resources include the Small Business Development Centers, the Minority Business Development Centers, and International Trade Assistance Centers, as well as the Small and Minority Business Financial Incentives Programs, and Ohio Third Frontier.